As President of the Industrial Electronics Society (2022-2023), I would like to welcome you to the 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES). IECON is our society's flagship annual conference that travels in rotation scheme around Asia/Australia, America, and Europe. This year we are meeting in beautiful and historic Brussels, Belgium. Our conference focuses on contemporary industrial topics ranging from electronics, control, manufacturing, communications, and computational intelligence. After two years of online conferences, I hope that we will finally meet in person, which will contribute to excellent scientific discussions and renewed collaboration among the many excellent research centers that always actively participate in IECON. I want to express my appreciation to the organizing committee who made an effort to organize this important and inspiring conference. In particular, I would like to thank the main organizers, Abdellah Touhafi and Peter Palensky, for inviting us to this beautiful city, which is home to many European institutions. I hope that you will also experience the taste of famous Belgian chocolate and
exceptional beer in addition to scientific inspiration.
I want to say a few words about the Industrial Electronics Society. We have recently crossed the 10000 member threshold, becoming one of the most significant and still growing societies in IEEE. We have members from more than 100 countries worldwide associated with almost 100 chapters. In addition, the IES is responsible for six leading journals that provide a forum for the exchange of scientific ideas for many researchers around the world. We are also proud of our technical and conference activities, of which the IECON conference is a most remarkable example! I encourage you to attend the conference and become actively involved in the Industrial Electronics Society. In IES, everyone will find a place to build their competence in one of the 24 Technical Committees . Please take a look at our website and make active use of IE Technology News .
Once again, welcome to IECON 2022.
Malinowski Mariusz
IES President
Welcome Word from the General Chairs
Dear Colleagues and peer,
We are very excited to warmly welcome all the academic scholars, professors, industry experts, managers, and business partners to the 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON). IECON 2022 will be held in Brussels, the heart of Europe. It is a centrally located historical city in Belgium, merely on a two hours drive from many other major cities like Paris, London, Koln and Amsterdam. The conference is scheduled to take place from Oct. 17-20, 2022.
As the world starts to understand how to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and how to organize large events in a safe and secure way, we are preparing this conference to be a physical conference where we can safely meet and discuss the latest results in our research fields.
The objective of IECON 2022, as seen in the previous editions, is bringing together researchers, inventers, and experts from academia and industry, working in varied areas of industrial electronics and related technology. IECON 2022 will consist of keynote lectures, tutorials, workshops, and oral presentations on all aspects of state-of-the-art and innovative developments in the areas of industrial electronic applications and technologies.
We are expecting more than 1000 papers and 1500+ participants from over 125 countries.
We look forward to welcoming you at IECON 2022, and wish you a fruitful and enjoyable stay in Brussels.
Warmest regards,
Abdellah Touhafi and Peter Palensky
General co-chairs IECON 2022