Presenter Instructions

1. ORAL Presentations:

  • File Format: All oral presenters should provide their presentation in a Powerpoint Format or in PDF format. The presentation should be provided on a (virus free) USB-stick to the chair-assistant who will put the presentation on a laptop that is present at the room. 
  • File Name: Your presentation should have as filename, the IECON-ID of your paper followed by the Author Name. (Example: IECON22_000345_Charles)
  • Timing Arrival: All speakers should come to the presentation room 15 minutes before the session starts. Provide your USB stick with your presentation to the chair-assistant who will help you to upload your presentation.
  • Timing Presentation: Oral presentations are maximally 12 minutes, followed by 3 minutes Q&A.


2. Interactive Presentations:

This type of presentation has two parts: An oral presentation of 3 minutes with 2 minutes Q&A and a separate poster stand for interaction in the exhibition space. This presentation mode is recommended for authors that want to showcase and challenge their work to a bigger audience.

  • Interactive presentations are only available on request!  We can accept maximally 40 Interactive Presentations.
  • Please fill in the following form to request a Change of your oral presentation to an interactive  Presentation (first come first serve):


2.1 Oral Part:

  • File Format: All oral presenters should provide their presentation in a Powerpoint Format or in PDF format. The presentation should be provided on a (virus free) USB-stick to the chair-assistant who will put the presentation on a laptop that is present at the room. 
  • File Name: Your presentation should have as filename, the IECON-ID of your paper followed by the Author Name. (Example: IECON22_000345_Charles)
  • Timing Arrival: All speakers should come to the presentation room 15 minutes before the session starts. Provide your USB stick with your presentation to the chair-assistant who will help you to upload your presentation.
  • Timing Presentation: Oral presentations are maximally 3 minutes, followed by 2 minutes Q&A.
     The oral part is done at the presentation room mentioned on the program. Make use of the oral presentation to invite the public to visit your poster in the Grand Hall 1 on Thursday 20 October.

2.2Interactive part:

  • Poster: The poster stands can carry an A0-format poster or your printed slides (A0-format: 841 x 1189 mm (33.1 x 46.8 inches)).
  • Location: The interactive part is done near the exhibition space (Grand Hall 1). 
  • Timing: The posters should be set up in Grand Hall 1 on Thursday 20th October between 08 AM and 10 AM 
  • Interactions slot: The poster based interaction with the audience is planned on Thursday 20th October between 4 PM and 6 PM.


3. Online Video Presentations:

  • File Format: All video presenters should provide their presentation in MP4  (MPEG-4) Format. The presentation should be  uploaded at latest on 10 October 2022 .
  • Upload Link: The upload link and password will be sent to the online-video presenters in a separate email. If you do not receive the email before 1 October, send an email to
  • File Name: Your presentation should have as filename, the IECON-ID of your paper followed by the Author Name. (Example: IECON22_000345_Charles)
  • Timing Arrival: All speakers should come to the Zoom-link 10 minutes before the session starts and stay during the session for the Q&A. 
  • Timing Presentation:  The video presentations are maximally 12 minutes, followed by 3 minutes Q&A.  The author(s) of the paper should be available during the Q&A with minimally an audio connection and preferably a multimedia connection.
  • Zoom Link: The zoom link will be provided by 10 October to the Video conference participants.